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The Headless CMS</br> [color]for Marketers[/color]

The Headless CMS
for Marketers

Storyblok is ranked as No.1 Momentum Leader and Enterprise Leader in the Headless CMS category by G2.

Made for Marketers

Storyblok's CMS provides everything marketers need to create standout digital experiences.

Create content faster

Own your content. Simply create, edit, and publish content independently from the development team.

  • Live visual editing experience
  • Drag and drop components
  • Extensive collaboration tools

Blazing fast performance

Create content that is fast, optimized for search engines, and tailored to your users.

  • 3x faster webpages
  • In-app SEO tools
  • Image service

Orchestrate standout content experiences

Reach your audiences everywhere and manage all content from one CMS.

  • Omnichannel publishing
  • Central content hub
  • Personalization and localization
  • Development time for a new, global multilingual site went from 4-6 months to around 8 weeks.

  • Storyblok is our go-to solution to create flexible, scalable, and maintainable high-performance web solutions. The ease of extendability and their drive to offer the best in the market content management system make them our preferred partner in creating excellent and innovative solutions.

  • Why we love Storyblok? With Storyblok's Visual Editor, you can customize the content of your website easily in real-time! For us one of the best CMS systems. Simple, intuitive, and fast.

  • We wanted to move towards Jamstack, so we were looking at various headless systems and evaluating them in more detail. When comparing Storyblok with Contentful, GraphCMS, and DatoCMS, we soon realized that two main points set Storyblok apart: First, the visual editing experience for our marketing team was superior to others. Second, Storyblok’s component-based approach would allow Fundbox to create components that can be customized, nested, and filled with content.

Need help with your project?

Connect with a growing network of digital agencies and technologies to help you build the best digital content or contact us.

Case study

16 global websites in just 2 months.

How Oatly used Storyblok to leverage creativity and collaboration as part of their success.

With Storyblok, you can see everything that you do in real-time, and approve changes before they go live. I think it’s the best tool I’ve ever worked with.

Hanny Eldblom
Hanny Eldblom
eCommerce Team Leader at Stronger

Market Recognition

Your teams will love Storyblok. Don't take our word for it.