PAYONE GmbH Logo Vanilla Reply Logo


The European market leader for payment solutions - PAYONE relies on future technologies such as headless CMS, cloud solution, and SPA for its web presence, thereby achieving high flexibility and performance.

Symbol with a small flag on a hill.

The Project

PAYONE is preparing for the future. Therefore the new corporate website was conceived, designed, and implemented in the high-performance headless CMS from Storyblok with great attention to detail. The SaaS-CMS is extremely flexible and at the same time easy to maintain - in several languages and markets/countries.

The components - individually developed for PAYONE - support the editors in the intuitive design of the pages and maintain a clearly recognizable line of PAYONE's corporate design. The entire frontend was developed with the lightweight and powerful JavaScript framework Vue.js and is delivered as a single-page application (SPA) via Amazon Web Services (AWS). This allows the user to move through the entire website almost free of delays.

PAYONE GmbH Screenshot