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  • Sprint 68 - Claude S

    Claude S.

    Changes in:appapi
    • Conditional Fields

      • SBD-45
      • Enterprise Plan
      • Developer Experience
      • User Experience
      • Content Authoring

      The ability to add conditions to fields within your components to ensure dynamic and clean components.

    • Restrict Dimensions App actions

      Makes it possible to restrict actions (clone, merge, overwrite) in the Dimensions App to certain user roles.

      • SBD - 243
      • Business Plan
      • Extensions

    Improvements & Fixes

    • Recovery - Made it possible to find a recovered file in its original location.

    • Stories - Solved the issue that Regex validations should not prevent empty and not-required fields from saving the story.

    • Richtext - Fixed an issue where adding a block inside the Richtext and clicking on it to open partly hides the add block button below the block.

    • Block Library - Solved the issue where a blank list is shown when switching from another page in the block library to a folder.

    • Localization - Added character limit to language label

    • User - Experience - Improved field-type blocks highlight.

    • Limits - Improved visualization of space limit creation for organizations.

    • Visual Editor - Fixed issue with switching between visual editor and form only views.

    • Search - Improved search function characters.