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  • Sprint 66 - Alan Turing

    Alan Turing
    Changes in:appapi
      • SBD - 267
      • Community Plan
      • User Experience

      Add Korean UI for the Storyblok app.

    Improvements & Fixes

    • Visual Editor - Optimized the size of the field type components.

    • User Experience - Solved issue where the wrong block was highlighted during validation failures.

    • User Experience - Solved issue when dragging text in form-only mode.

    • User Experience - Resolved the problem where asset field types were not clickable on the content form when the default asset folder was selected.

    • User - Experience - Fixed the issue where a long preview URL caused layout issues, hiding the Minimize Preview and Content Navigator elements.

    • User - Experience - Solved issue where the tab switches when saving a story.

    • Block Library - Solved issue where the wrong type of block is being shown under Config.

    • Preview - Adjusted the order of elements in visual preview to add elements before instead of after.

    • Visual Editor - Fixed the issue where revision restore did not update the editor view, leaving data in an old state in the iframe.

    • Webhooks - Improved webhook log details.

    • Roles and permissions - Fixed the issue where deleted roles were still listed with their release_ids.

    • Dashboard - Fixed NaN undefined value shown on the traffic widget.

    • Business plan - Reviewed and adapted the Business Plan limits to the S3 Backup Frequency.

    • Tags: Query improvement for Tags endpoint.

    • Apps: Add day selection in the backup app for Teems and Business plan.